In Faith, One Family
Championing Excellence and Equality in Girls' Education
In Faith, One Family


This truly remarkable school has been providing the highest quality of holistic education to girls for over a century. Our school and its values are universal and we welcome children and families of all faiths and none.

Dr L McGowan

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Latest news & Tweets


Yesterday our year 9 Geography scholars explored volcanoes and earthquakes at the Natural History Museum to enrich their knowledge and understanding of tectonics. Thank you to Dr Simic, Ms Thomas and Mr Charles for leading a great trip.

October 15



Huge congratulations to the winners, but all the entrants displayed excellent musicality and the promise of more accolades to come. Well done all!

October 15



Today, we showed our support for by wearing yellow to fundraise for Young Minds campaign.Thank you to all the staff and students who contributed, and demonstrated that no-one is alone with their mental health.

October 10



Yesterday, yr8 scholars visited , where they discovered more about London’s role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade. It was a fantastic learning experience for them; thanks to the museum staff for their insights. Thanks also to Mr Cuff for leading the trip.

October 10



Yesterday, , 6th formers took part in a workshop to develop their critical thinking, research, and public speaking skills. They analysed portraits through observation, discussion, and research while learning to present confidently.

October 10



yesterday, 6th formers took part in a workshop to develop their critical thinking, research, and public speaking skills. They analysed portraits through observation, discussion, and research while learning to present confidently.

October 10



Founder’s Day culminated with a mass celebrating the life of St Claudine, but also marking the Pope’s call for today to be a day of prayer for peace in our world. We welcomed back Fr Howard James, an old friend of the school as he used to be a priest at Our Lady of Willesden.

October 7



Today yr 7 had a series of workshops around the life of our Foundress, St Claudine. They learned about her life and what led her to form the Religious of Jesus & Mary, an Order which continues to prioritise the education of girls and young women.

October 7



Last week the Science Dept took Year 10 students to Amersham Field Centre to carry out a biology core practical, involving random sampling using quadrants. Despite the rain, they all had a successful day out in the woods! Thank you to the Field Centre staff for their support 🙏

October 3



October 2



Enjoy our new video, showing life at our school as lived through the values of St Claudine: Love of Jesus & Mary, Education, Simplicity, Service, Forgiveness and Family Spirit

October 2



Lovely to welcome so many year 5s and 6s to our Open Evening yesterday. Thank you for coming to see our wonderful school, and a special thank you if you added a leaf to our reading tree!We have slots available for morning visits all this week. Please see link in bio to book.

October 1



Please join us if you are a parent/ carer of a child in years 5 or 6 to see round our beautiful school, meet teachers and support staff, and hear from current pupils in all year groups. We look forward to welcoming you!#openevening

September 28



Thanks to all who contributed to our Macmillan Coffee Morning today, whether it was by 🎂 or 💸 or indeed both!Anyone who wishes is able to donate using the QR code, as demonstrated by Mrs Sylvester-Charles and included in the 3rd slide.

September 27



We are supporting Macmillan's Coffee Morning this Friday; donate £1 and wear an item of green clothing to show your support.#macmillancoffeemorning

September 23



Who better to inspire Yr12 students on the opportunities that apprenticeships have to offer than 2 of our former students, Britney & Stella. They both won highly competitive apprenticeships; Stella in Finance, after an accounting degree, and Britney in Marketing at Unilever.

September 23



Students - join our new gardening club, run by Dr McGowan and Ms Lyskawa, meeting after school every Wednesday. Come and discover how green-fingered you can be! 🌼🌸🌻🥦🥕

September 16



Meet our new student leadership team, who will be working alongside staff to enhance the life of our school. We thank them for taking on these responsibilities.#studentleaders

September 12



OPEN EVENING ~ Monday 30th September from 3.30pmOPEN MORNINGS ~ see the school at work! ~ click the link in our bio or scan QR code to book.Visit Brent's only all-girls school. Open to students of all faiths and those with no faith background.#openevening

September 9



We look forward to welcoming our new year 7s this Wednesday at 10am. Year 7 parents are invited to join us for tea at 2pm.Years 8 and up will have their first day back on Thursday, starting at the usual time.#welcome

September 1