GDPR Consent Forms

We are proud of the many achievements of our pupils here and there are many activities and events for our pupils to get involved in. You will have seen that we often use photos of pupils on our website, in our newsletter, on social media and in our school prospectus to give people a flavour of school life here, to keep the school community informed about what our pupils do and to celebrate pupils' achievements. In this digital age, many members of our school community use social media to stay connected with what’s happening in school and, for those who don’t use social media, the website is an important communication tool, showcasing what we do.

The law relating to data protection is changing so we are taking this opportunity to review the consent that we have on file to use photographs and videos of pupils for these reasons. Under data protection law, we need the consent of parents / carers to use photographs or video images of pupils.

There is no obligation on you to give consent and if you choose not to give consent for some or all of the options below, we will ensure that your child's photo or a video is not used for those purposes if your child can be identified from it. It may be helpful to inform your child if you decide ‎not to give consent for any of the options below. In some cases, we may take group photos of pupils and we may publish a photograph if we are satisfied that individual pupils cannot be identified from the image.

Our caterer’s medical diet policy is on our website in the parent’s area. This Medical Diet Policy defines Impact Food Group’s practice in the delivery of safe school meals for pupils with medical dietary requirements in Secondary Schools.

The cashless system works by using biometrics authentication. The system takes an image of the finger to create a finger impression, which is turned into a mathematical algorithm. This creates a unique numeric key associated with the finger impression. When your child goes to pay for her school meal, she places a finger on the finger impression scanner, which matches their finger impression with the unique digital signature held in the database. Please do not liken this system to a fingerprint database. Please be assured that this system does not store a fingerprint in any form. Our database is not shared with any third parties and is only used within the school. Consent for St Claudine's to use the biometric finger impression will remain until your child leaves the school or you subsequently withdraw your consent in writing.

The school operates on a cashless basis, and does not accept any cash or cheque payments; all transactions go through the ParentPay system.

Years 7 to 13 parents / carers

Please click here to fill our consent form regarding the data listed above.